Target: Similac

Results 21-30 from 492 articles

Switching from Ready Feed Similac Bottles to What?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My son has been using the ready to feed Similac bottles since he was born, he is now almost a month old. I tried the Playtex drop-in and the vent aire bottles in the ...


Good Start vs Similac Switch?

A.T. asks from New York

Hi, I'm thinking of switching my daughter from Similac senstive to Good Start easy digest. She seems to really dislike similac & it's making our feedings diffcult & l...


Similac Formula... to Switch or Not???? Need Advice Please!

K.H. asks from Dallas

Hello Mamas, I have a 4 1/2 month old that has been on Similac Advance brand since she was about 2 weeks old. Not sure if you have heard about the big recall, but...


Recommendation on Different Baby formula...No More Similac Sensitive for Spit Up

K.H. asks from Dallas

Mamas, Originally I had my little one on Similac Advance and she had a hard time with that. Then we switched to Similac Sensitive for Spit Up and she was doing be...


Enfamil Vs. Members Mark Vs. Target Brand...

M.I. asks from Orlando

I really would like to save money on formula. I'm currently using Enfamil, which is costing $100 a month. I've just ordered a free sample of Member's Mark formula -...


Good Start Formula vs Similac vs Nutramigen

P.D. asks from Lake Charles

I have been breastfeeding my daughter pretty much exclusively until about 6 weeks old when I started supplementing more with formula. I had tried the Similac Advanced...


Has Anyone Ever Tried the Target Brand Formula Version of Enfamil Lipil?

L.A. asks from Minneapolis

My little boy will be here within a few weeks, and I plan on nursing him until I need to go back to work in late August. With my first child, I used Enfamil Lipil a...


Unhappy with Similac Sensitive, Painful Gas, Crying Baby. Good Start? Soy? Alim?

A.R. asks from New York

Hi all, my now 3 month old (2nd son, 13 mo apart), is super uncomfortable, with gas, pains, tummy issues. always has been. three or four relatives have said he's co...


$5 Similac Coupons Anyone Need Them? Anyone Want to Trade for Enfamil Coupons?

C.L. asks from Dallas

Hi there I've got an 8 week old who is breast/bottle fed with Enfamil formula. I don't know how the Similac people got my name, but I WISH I used their formula - I'm...


Switching Between Formulas- Enfamil to Similac to Generic Etc

M.. asks from Albany

Did you just buy what was on sale or did you stick with one kind? Did you find any success in using powder vs ready made stuff?