Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, The First Years

Results 31-40 from 550 articles

Weaning Baby off Breast-milk

M.U. asks from Tampa

I am starting to wean my 10-month old off of breast-milk. He has been drinking BM from a bottle since birth (I pump all BM).Currently, he drinks 4-5 4oz bottles per d...


Sippy Cup for Weaning from Breastfeeding?

A.B. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, My daughter has been exclusively breast fed for the past 11 months and I am preparing to wean her in a month and am wondering if any nursing mothers can r...


Help with Weaning: Breast to Bottle

J.L. asks from Dallas

I have a three month daughter. I have been breastfeeding her since she was born and have been having one problem after another. After I solve one problem, another one...


Help with Weaning: Breast to Bottle

J.L. asks from Dallas

I have a three month daughter. I have been breastfeeding her since she was born and have been having one problem after another. After I solve one problem, another one...


Advice Needed on Weaning an Almost 2 Year Old

R.K. asks from Santa Barbara

Hi there ladies, I need some DETAILED suggestions on how to begin the process of weaning my VERY attached 22 month old twin from the breast. I haven't been able to r...


Weaning Issues -- Any Advice?

E.A. asks from Detroit

I didn't want to wean my daughter off the breast and ON to the bottle, especially since she is 15 months old, but she is having a hard time giving up her bottle. Any...


Weaning My 6 Month Old

A.W. asks from Phoenix

I plan on starting to wean my daughter after she turns 6 months old next week. I have about a 3 months supply of breastmilk frozen and plan on pumping until my suppl...


Help Weaning Breastfed Baby - He Won't Take Formula Bottle from Me

S.A. asks from Washington DC

Due to my work schedule, I am trying to slowly wean my 6 month old son off of the breast. Starting by only pumping once/day at work, instead of 3 times. I will also...


Weaning a Baby Who Breastfeeds to Sleep

S.B. asks from Philadelphia

I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to fully wean a baby (my daughter is 15 months old) from breastfeeding. My daughter eats plenty of solids, but do...


Getting Baby to Take Bottle

L.C. asks from Sioux Falls

How do I get my breastfed infant to take a bottle?