Sleeping Habits: Dreamer Design

13 answers

Good Jogging Stroller for Daily Runners?

There are so many "jogging strollers" and "all terrain" strollers out there that i am having a hard time finding one that is good for serious runners. I borrowed one from a friend and it shook when i ran, so it wasn't the real deal. What do you look for in a good one? I want to use one exclusively for running, and i can store it in the garage so it doesn't matter if it doesn't fold up well. Can anyone tell me a good reasonably priced model that they like? Thanks!


11 answers

Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices. We are looking for excellent quality and as non toxic, as possible. I understand many of the paints, glues are not good for the baby! Organic is great! I was looking at the Bob Revolution baby jogger, and some kind of car seat that would fit into that for the first several months of use. Also, Nordic Cab's Sport Combo jogger. LL Bean shows both. Thanks so much!


What to Get

I have no idea what I need and what's the best for my buck. Can any...

Furniture & Bedding

29 answers

First Baby room...What Do I Need?

I am pregnant and will soon need to get my baby's room together. What things do I need? What things will make my life easier? I guess this doesn't just involve the room...I just want to know what is a must for me and the baby. There is so much stuff on the net I wanted to hear it from real mothers and not marketing ploys! Thanks a ton.