Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 41-50 from 177 articles

Tonsilectomy for 2 Year Old

E.W. asks from Tulsa

My baby girl is having her tonsils & adenoids taken out in a few days and I am wondering if anyone has gone through this with a two year old before. Any suggestions ...


11 1/2 Month Old and Cold Meds??

T.L. asks from Columbia

my 11 1/2 month old has had re-occuring colds since birth (she got one before we left the hospital) well this time its worse then all the others.... for the past 2 mo...


7 Month Old Wont Eat

K.P. asks from Phoenix

my son is almost 7 months old & very independent already. The problem I am having is he doesnt want to eat Baby food or formula he wants what we are having. This is...


2 Month Old with Severe Congestion

L.K. asks from Phoenix

My precious little Doc has severe congestion. He didn't sleep much last night and his last real feeding was at 1:30am, so it has been well over 12 hrs. He was nursing...


Sick 10 Month Old Refusing Liquids

A.L. asks from Los Angeles

Any ideas on how to get my sick & teething baby to drink liquids? She's been sick for a week now and her cough is getting worse. Yesterday and today she's refused...


9 Month Old Refuses to Drink Milk from a Bottle

B.C. asks from New York

I have a 9 month old baby girl who has a little bit of a cold. She's had a runny nose for a few days and recently started coughing a little, but only a few times a d...


Help with Bottles

J.K. asks from San Francisco

I have a beautiful healthy 10 month old girl who will not hold her own bottle. She is also not interested in sippy cups. Does anyone have any suggestions and how to...


How Can I Keep My 7 Month Old "Regular"

M.T. asks from Austin

How can I keep my breastfed 7 month old regular? I am up at 3:00 am with her this morning because she is struggling to make a bowel movement after 4 days of nothing....


Getting 2 Year Old to Take Tylenol

M.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi, Moms, My 2-year-old has been sick with a cold or flu and fever for several days. I know he caught it from me so I know exactly how he feels -- and that he'd feel...


6 Month Old Diagnosed with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

B.L. asks from Raleigh

My son was diagnosed with this on Wednesday, although, he has been having symptoms since Monday. We went to the DR on Monday and they said it was an ear infection. ...