Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

177 articles


S.W. asks from Dallas

I got such great adviced from my last question, Im going to ask another!! :O) My little one is constipated - I didnt know this until the ped told me that he should n...


Practical Tips for New Parents

C.B. asks from Cincinnati

What practical tips to you give new parents? For example: Use a lingerie bag to keep together baby socks in the washing machine or using multiple sheets and waterpr...



K.R. asks from Los Angeles

my 10 mo. old has constipation, any advice? we have been feeding her fruits and vegs mostly today, is there anything to give her? could rice cereal be the cause? we d...


Giving Meds?

M.C. asks from St. Louis

Does anyone have any tricks or tips for giving their baby meds? I have to give my 14 months old med twice a day and its one big fight. Just wondering if anyone had an...


Serious Case of Diaper Rash & Di

S.F. asks from Los Angeles

I would greatly appreciate anybody out there who has feedback on this issue. I have already been to doctor. My 11month old little boy has had diahrea for 6 days which...


Food Allergies Vs. Food Tolerance

E.S. asks from San Francisco

I've started my baby on solids a few weeks ago when she reached 6 months of age. I did the usual of starting on rice cereal for about a week, then oatmeal about a wee...



C.G. asks from Dallas

I have a 13 month old little girl who constantly gets ear infrections. Her doctor is recommending me putting her under to get tubes put in both ears. Well the anestig...