Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 141-150 from 177 articles

Getting Baby off of Formula

A.P. asks from Chicago

My 10.5 month is eating all table food very well and I want to start switching her to whole milk..Should I wean her off formula or go "cold turkey"?Any suggestions?


Causes of Diarrhea

C.E. asks from Knoxville

My son just turned one this month. He's awesome, walking and chatting away. However, we are going on 4 days of diarrhea. My poor kid. It started Saturday and show...


Daily Morning Vomit Due to Overfeeding or STILL the Stomach Bug?

C.A. asks from Denver

My 7.5 month old little girl had a stomach bug (vomiting and fever) about 2 weeks ago, was healthy for about a week and then seemed to come down with another bug (ah,...


8 Mo Old Will Not Drink Juice

J.W. asks from Dallas

I need some help. My 8mo old boy will not drink water or juice. His doctors nurse is making me feel like a horrible mother, because i can"t get him to drink juice. ...


Has Anyone Dealt with Hand, Foot and Mouth.

J.S. asks from Chicago

My son has little sores on his tongue and the nurse said that it is viral and needs to work it's way out of his system. However, my poor little guys tongue hurts. A...


Stomach Flu - Child Won't Eat!

A.H. asks from Kansas City

My 17 mo old has the stomach flu that has been going around. He's drinking milk and some water but won't eat a thing. This is our second day now. He ate a handful of ...


Sick One Year Old, Caugh, Cold, Fever, Possibly Thrust?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

My son just turned a year old on the 22nd of this month. Last night he woke up with this horrible caugh and a runny nose.. like really runny its gross, and right now...


Messy Poop

J.H. asks from Boston

Warning: this might be gross. My daughter is 15 months and has had very messy, diarrhea-like poop for over a week. It makes her bottom very red, and escapes her diape...


Constipated 11-Month Old (Sorry to Ask, but Need Suggestions :)

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, Our little bundle of joy started on solid foods when she was 6 months old, but rejected all food except breast milk after a month or two, and only ate brea...


Diarreha Help

S.C. asks from Chicago

My son has had diarreha for 3 days now. he is not running a temp and is acting fine as well as drinking like crazy and eating regularly. We were giving him juice beca...