Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 111-120 from 177 articles

Juice & Water???

N.C. asks from Portland

My daughter is now 6 months old, and she has no problem with any solid foods I've fed her thus far.... I've seen many moms give their babies bottles of water, juice/...


Stomach Flu/Food Poisoning Advice

J.D. asks from San Francisco

My daughter hasn't been able to keep much down for the past 2 days. Our doctor has advised us to give her fluids at a rate of table spoons at a time, but even after a...


Bacterial Instead of the Flu

A.D. asks from Louisville

Well i've found out that the dr was wrong. My daughter doesn't have the flu. She just had a touch of the stomach flu. My son spiked a 104 temp the other night and we ...


Transitioning to Whole Milk

L.J. asks from Tampa

My son has been exclusively breastfed. He will be one next week so we are in the process of transitioning to whole milk. The problem is he hates the taste. I have ...


Juice Question

D.L. asks from Kansas City

I was wondering if I can start giving or when I can start giving my daughter juice. She 6 months old and thought that at some point she can start having juice. I ha...


Help! Advice for Caring for Ill Child.

J.M. asks from Portland

My kids are sick! My son started a fever yesterday and has the snotty nose and cough, last night my daughter woke up with a fever (101.8 armpit) and when I tried to g...


Bad Stomach Virus

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi all, My little guy, almost 10 months now, came down with a nasty stomach virus 1 week ago today. It started with lots of vomiting, and by the next morning, he al...


Getting Fluids Down

T.M. asks from Portland

Hi mamas, My neice is 10 months and has caught the rotavirus. She was hospitalized for a few days but came home today. She won't take any fluids. My sister is desper...


Questions on Teething Symptoms

K.K. asks from Omaha

I believe my 7 mo. old daughter is teething. She hasn't had any teeth come in yet, but she's been doing a lot of drooling and chewing since she was 4 mo. old. In th...


Not Drinking Any water/Juice

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 18 months old son has viral gastroenteritis. It started 4 days ago. He stopped vomiting but sill have diaria 2 or 3 times a day. I know I have to give him lots of ...