Sippy Cups: Toddler, Pedialyte

Results 91-100 from 177 articles

Toddler with Bad Cold, What to Do?

R.S. asks from Seattle

Last week my husband was sick with a bad cold. Now this week my son and I have it. My son is running a temp of 99.8 up to 102.9. We have been giving him Tylenol, cool...


Bottle Baby in Waco, TX... Won't Eat Food!

J.M. asks from Waco

OK--- My baby Jacob-is 10 mo. old...and is in love with the bottle!... uses it for comfort, and to get sleepy, before bed, uses it for nourishment, and WILL NOT EAT B...


Infant Eating After the Flu

S.W. asks from Kansas City

My daughter had a severe case of the flu that lasted for about 1 1/2 weeks. Her doctor told me to give her Pedialyte, however, she refused to drink it or anything el...


Diarrhea or Teething??

M.W. asks from Houston

My son just turned 8 months last week. He has not cut any teeth yet. For the last week or so, he has had green runny diapers 2 or 3 times a day. The last couple of...


3 1/2 Yr Old Son Scheduled for an Adenoidectomy

A.D. asks from Charlotte

Our 3 1/2 yr old son is scheduled to have his adenoids removed next week. I wanted to know how other children who have had this procedure done did. I know a lot of fr...


Flu/Virus Going Around?

F.V. asks from Lancaster

Hi Moms, My son is going on day 2 of a fever of 102.1, stuffy/runny nose. The Ped says to just keep doing the tylenol/motrin and lots of fluids. He finally ate tonig...


Need to Stop My Son's Diarrhea

B.K. asks from Chicago

My 3 year old son has had diarrhea for 4 days. I took him to the Ped she did not prescribe anything for it just said wait up to 2 weeks and give him liquids (he has n...


My DS Won't Eat

K.R. asks from Grand Forks

My son is 9 months and won't hardly eat. He will take in about 15 MAYBE 20 ounces of formula in a 24 hour period and he might pick at cheerios or some other solid foo...


Son Is Constipated

Y.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, I was just wondering what I should do if my 6 month old is constipated. So far I have tried all the different types of fruit, apple juice, prune juice, and sips ...


Tricks for Getting My Son to Drink Water

D.C. asks from Fresno

My pediatrician suggested I give my 4 month old son 2-4 oz of water per day. He will suck a little on the bottle and spit it out. He is only breast fed but takes a ...