Sinusitis or Congestion: Older Child

Results 191-200 from 279 articles

Coughing 11 Year Old

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 11 and has a very deep cough. He has no temperature but the cough won't go away. I've given him cough syrup. Any ideas? Help. He hasn't been to doctor ...


Be My Dr

R.B. asks from La Crosse

My daughter has had this "cold" for 3 months now. It would get a little better then hit her full blast again. All of my kids had colds on and off so I thought she was...


Mysterious Fever

M.C. asks from Charleston

My daughter (21 months old) just recently had a couple of colds in a row. The last cold turned into a sinus infection, which we have now been treating with antibioti...


Allergy Specialist Versus Ears Nose and Throat Specialist

S.B. asks from Houston

My 3 year old (4 in Jan) has had a runny nose since he was born. It's a constant problem for him and us. We've tried Claritin, Zyrtec, and he's currently on Singulair...



B.S. asks from Sioux City

Hello, My 2 year old son has eczema- BAD! It is all over his body, even the top of his head, and he is constantly itching-to the point he is bleeding. We have been t...


Does Anyone Know of Any Natural Treatments for Asthma?

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 year old son has asthma anytime he gets a cold. The problem is he catches colds so easy and any cold goes straight to his lungs. Then we have to start breathin...


Does Cow's Milk Affect Behavior?

G.K. asks from San Diego

Does anyone have experience with cow's milk affecting behavior? I have two year old twins and and 9 month old. When they were babies they had inexplicable rashes. Thi...


Cough Won't Go Away!!!

D.B. asks from St. Louis

I have a 15 month old who has had a history of RSV & croup. He recently devloped this nasty cough, that sounds horrible. I took him to the pediatrician, who said it s...


4 Month Old with Severe Asthma Any Good Ideas?

A.D. asks from Lubbock

We have a 4 month old with severe asthma. He takes breathing treatments every 4-6 hours and was prescribed a steroid to use in the nebulizer even though he is a bit ...


Inconsolable Sick Toddler

M.L. asks from Houston

I have a 2 1/2 year old who every time he gets a runny nose and has trouble sleeping disrupts the whole family. He won't let you help him and cries and gets mad. He a...