Sinusitis or Congestion: Older Child

Results 181-190 from 279 articles

Allergies and Acid Rflux

Y.C. asks from Fayetteville

Question about symptoms that 3/YO is experiencing. Has runny nose periodically , but coughs regularly (sound like a smokers cough) also snorts like he trying to clear...


Migraine Preventative Medication

D.C. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, Have you had success with migraine preventative therapy? I have tried Topamax and Vivactil. Both gave me worsened asthma and so I am selectively looking...


Coughing!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!

A. asks from Phoenix

My 3 year old son has a TERRIBLE cough! I am hoping that someone can suggest something to give him to help with his cough. I know most of the childrens cold medicat...


Teething Baby Not Sleeping

C.F. asks from Chicago

My six month old is showing all the signs of his first tooth coming in......including waking up several times a night now. Since three months, he was sleeping from 9...


Any Solutions for Coughing at Night?!?!?!

K.N. asks from Dallas

My daughter has been coughing at night the last few nights. I am guessing it is allergy related because she is fine during the day but at night, she has a very persi...


18 Month Old Fights the Breathing Treatment

E.L. asks from Chicago

Ever since my sons first cold, he has been wheezing. Everytime he gets a cold it goes straight to his lungs. (We always seem to have a check up right when he gets a c...


H1N1 Symptoms in Your Family

K.W. asks from Boise

The flu has hit our little community with a vengence. About 1/4 of the students are absent from our schools at any given time. We assume it's H1N1 because many of our...


Cough Meds for 10 Mo Old Baby

M.H. asks from Austin

Good morning Ladies, My 10 mo old baby girl is coughing, NOT constantly or wheezing, but it seems almost as she has a tickle on her throat (started yesterday)... Is t...


Is It Asthma or Acid Reflux?

T.M. asks from New York

Hello everyone . . . My daughter is 6 1/2 years old and has recently been complaining that she's having trouble breathing. She falls asleep sitting up with me beca...


The Dreaded Spit Up

M.S. asks from Tulsa

I have an 8 week old son who has been on 2 different types of medicines for over 2 weeks now. He is still spitting up and vomiting profusely all throughout the day. T...