Sinusitis or Congestion: Older Child

Results 141-150 from 279 articles

Seeking Opinions on Nighttime Medications like Nyquil

E.E. asks from Great Falls

I bought the Nighttime Tylenol when it was available and it worked wonders to help my child sleep when she wasn't feeling well at night. I even used it once on the p...


H1N1 (Swine Flu) Questions

L.J. asks from Birmingham

I would love to hear from someone who has had a school age child with the H1N1 flu virus. I know we hear on the news about the potential deaths but the regular flu c...


4 Month Old with a Cold

A.M. asks from Cincinnati

Hello ladies, My four month old has a bad cold! She's been to the ped and unfortunatley since she is in daycare, the doc told me that she could hold onto a cold for ...


Help with 10 Month Old

A.D. asks from Orlando

Hi everyone this is my first time writing on here, i have read before alot of questions other moms have had and even replied to a few but now i need the help! i have ...


What to Do About Cough in 15 Month Old???

C.P. asks from Dallas

Hi Mommas! I need some suggestions on things to do for my baby girls cough. Yes I am one of those mommy's who does not medicate unless she REALLY needs it, but...


Does Anyone Have Info on Reoccuring Croup?

C.A. asks from St. Louis

My 3 year old son has been experiencing Croup since the last Fall and Winter season. Everytime I take him to the doctor they give him an inhaler and I use a cold mis...


Daughters Nose Is ALWAYS Runny!

S.P. asks from San Antonio

I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem with their little one. My daughter is 17 months and she constantly has a runny nose! It has been this way for as l...


Best Cough Remedy

H.B. asks from Cleveland

My 1yr old has been very congested the past few days and last night has added coughing to the mix. I have been running the humidifier in her room but it doesn't seem...


Is Coughing for 5 Weeks Really Normal?

S.D. asks from Austin

Hi Moms. My baby girl will be 2 this month and she has been coughing for 5 weeks, a congested cough that has gotten better and worse at times. We've been in to see ...


Need Help on What to Give My Baby for His Cold

A.M. asks from Dallas

Does any body know what I can give my one month old baby if he seems to have mucus on his chest when ever he breathes and isn't taking his bottle and when ever he doe...