Self Feeding & Finger Foods: Miracle Blanket

Results 161-170 from 384 articles

5 Week Old Who Will Only Sleep in a Swing or on My Chest

M.J. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have advice on how to get my 5 week old to sleep in his crib. He will be asleep in my arms and the minute I put him in his crib, which is inclined, his e...


Helping a Newborn Fall Asleep

A.J. asks from Denver

It's amazing how much you can forget in between children. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 3 week old daughter. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on ...


Sleep Training Advice

G.T. asks from Boston

Hi there moms. I have a 3 yr old and a 13 week old - and I just went back to work last week. I work part time and my 2 girls are in daycare 8:30-noon 3 - 5 days a w...


Advice Needed!

M.Q. asks from Dallas

Okay, my daughter is 11 weeks old, my doctor thinks she is colic, gassy, and reflux. With that said, my doc put her on previcid! I tried it for about a week, and she...


Advice on Getting My Baby to Sleep on Her Own Rather than in My Arms.

M.D. asks from Birmingham

Hello, I have a 2month old that will only sleep in my arms. I have exclusively nursed her. She wont take a pacifier (even though I try every day) so she nurses for f...


Newborn Essentials?

T.P. asks from Chicago

Hello Ladies, Because I am on bedrest, I cannot make it out to the stores to scope out all of the wonderful baby products out there. This is my first baby and I nee...


Help with Getting My Son in His Own Bed!

T.G. asks from Norfolk

I need help getting my exclusively breastfed son to sleep 1. in his own bed and 2. to sleep longer than 2 hours at a stretch! I am not able to get any sleep while "c...


Best Diet to Have While Breastfeeding?

V.A. asks from Dallas

I have a 7 week old and have been breastfeeding. I just can't figure out what foods will not upset his stomach. Especially having limited time to eat, it's hard to ...


Nursing Mom Trying to Get Baby in His Own Bed!

M.L. asks from New York

I have a newborn well he is almost two months and I am nursing him. For his naps I can get him into his bassinet, but at night trying to get him to go to sleep in it ...


2 Month Old & Ideas for Sleeping Thru the Night

S.C. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas, I have a 2.2month old darling baby whom I am nursing. I wanted to get ideas or details on how the other moms are getting their tiny darlig to sleep throu...