Self Feeding & Finger Foods: Miracle Blanket

Results 151-160 from 384 articles

Help Infant Will Not Stay Asleep When I Lay Her Down.

D. asks from Dallas

Please help my 4 week old will not stay asleep when I lay her down. She sleeps fine as long as we hold her. She will not sit in her bouncer or swing she just screams ...


Sleeping 7 Week Old Baby

B.O. asks from Dallas

Question, my now 7wk old was sleeping through the night (10:30pm-5:50am) up until last Friday. She started to act sleepy at 9pm so I changed her bedtime to about 9:3...


4 Month Old Can't Sleep Without Swaddle

M.C. asks from Washington DC

Hi, my 4 month old baby boy, who is our second, cannot sleep through the night without being swaddled. Which has been fine until now, he is a very big boy and is grow...


Newborn Must-Haves?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

My friend just had a baby girl & am sending her some things. This is her first. I am trying to think of what items saved my life w/my newborn. I can only think o...


Crabby Baby Seeking Help...

R.S. asks from Sheboygan

We have a 2 month old that I am struggling with... At first we found out she had acid reflux, (put on meds taken off due to constipation) then we found out she had cl...


Sleeping Through a Newborn

M.H. asks from Lima

I have an 18 month old and a two month old. The doctors say to let my two month old cry to sleep when he wakes up in the middle of the night after he's been fed and c...


Sleep Deprived New Mom Needs Help on How to Get a 6Wk Old to Sleep at Night.

L.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi, My daughter is 6wks old and is not sleeping well at night. She was sleeping for one 5 hour period each night when she was a few weeks old, but now she is waki...


Baby Wont Sleep

A.F. asks from New York

Hi ladies. I write this question with my eyes barely open. My 3 month old son will not sleep...seriously! He sleeps an average of 8 hours a day. He wakes up at 6 am a...


Baby Won't Sleep in Bassinet at Night

L.N. asks from Dallas

Okay, I really need some help before I lose it due to lack of sleep. My new baby girl has in the last three days switched her sleeping habits and I am not sure how to...


My 1 Month Old Baby Won't Sleep at ALL at Night

F. asks from Dallas

Hello Mamas, My baby girl is one month old and for the past 2 weeks hasn't slept AT ALL at night. She sleeps most of the day, wakes up at around 11pm and won't shu...