Self Feeding & Finger Foods: Miracle Blanket

Results 121-130 from 384 articles

Tips on Getting Baby to Sleep Longer at Night?

J.C. asks from Dallas

My baby is due this week and I wanted some advice early on about getting her to sleep longer periods at night. I've read a bunch of your posts stating that you were a...


When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby with a Blanket to Sleep In?

J.L. asks from Dallas

At what age should you stop swaddling your baby with a blanket to sleep?


Too Strong for Swaddling!!!

B.R. asks from Austin

I've been swaddling my 3 month old since birth and now she is too strong and her arms come out of the blankets and wake her up. She then stays awake and screaming un...


Cluster Eating----HELP!

M.A. asks from Dallas

I am a brand new mom, and my sweet little one is waking up every hour at night to eat. She sleeps through most of the day. We have to wake her up to eat. She's onl...


How Do I Extend the Time Period Between Feedings?

A. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 week old son (with Colic and who doesn't like a pacifier). I've been struggling get him to eat every 2 1/2 hours, and I need to somehow get him to 3 -4 ho...


3 Old Will Not Sleep!!

R.H. asks from Tyler

My second daughter is 3 mths old. She takes about 4 45 minute naps in the day and at night she seriously wakes every 2-3 hours. This is wearing me out! Sometimes it t...


12 Week VERY Restless at Night????

C.B. asks from Dallas

Hello! I have a happy, healthy baby during the day and a very restless baby at night. He sleeps calmly usually for the first 3-4 hours at night and then the tossing...


Getting a Baby to Sleep Longer Through the Night.

M.H. asks from Dallas

Just wondering if anyone had any tips, techniques, advice on getting a baby to sleep longer through the night. I have a 7 week old who was sleeping 5 to 6 hours thro...


My Four Week Old's Sleeping Habits

M.K. asks from Dallas

I'm a single mom of a precious four week old baby boy. He is the love of my life. However, I am concerned that he is only sleeping for about an hour and a half at a t...


Sleeping Problem

D.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, My name is D. Im a new mother of 2 weeks old baby, my baby was very easy at the moment to sleep, but very lately she wont go to sleep if she is not being hold ...