School: Toddler, Teddy Bears

Results 31-40 from 158 articles

My Daughter and Her "Best Friend" Won't Stop Fighting

K.E. asks from Seattle

My daughter is almost 5 years old and so is her best friend. They have been at the same daycare together for about 3 years now. Almost everyday, when I pick up my gir...


Need Evening Indoor Activities for 2-Yr. Old Not Always Interested in Toys

L.C. asks from Seattle

A little background: I teach 9th grade English full time at a fairly demanding Eastside junior high. I am fortunate to get about a half-hour to an hour of "down tim...


What to Get for Son's Preschool Teacher Who's Husband Just Died.

S.C. asks from Dallas

My son's preschool teacher's husband died suddenly on Thursday. My heart is broken for her and her kids. What should I send to her for her loss? Flowers, a card or...


Ideas for Classroom Projects for Silent Auction

G. asks from Chicago

I am a room parent at my daughters school and we have a silent auction every year. I have a few ideas for a classroom project (handpainted tiles surrounding a mirror...


Husband Extremely Hard on 1St Grader When Helping with Homework

J.M. asks from Chicago

My 1st grade daughter is a good kid. My husband is overall a very good dad - and he's also a very involved dad the past 2 years because he's been the stay-at-home pa...


Christmas Gifts/bonus for Daycare Center Teachers

C.A. asks from Detroit

What is the proper etiquette (if there is any) on a Christmas bonus for a daycare center. My son is a toddler and has been going to his daycare center about 1 year. ...


What Are Some Ex of Random Acts of Kindness for Classromm Setting??

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Hi I am teaching a class at my childs school. Can you give me some ideas I can do a classroom setting for Random Acts of Kindness. The first week we made cards for th...


Just Have to Brag a Bit

A.W. asks from Chicago

Good morning Mamas! I have to brag about my girl this morning. She got up, got ready for school, made her bed, and fed the cats all with no problem. There were no arg...


Any Good Rainy Day Activities for Two Year Olds?

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hi! Just looking for any good Rainy day activities for my just turning 2 year old to do to keep him from going stir crazy inside! Any ideas would quite welcomed..Than...


A Friendly Advisory About Crowds This Holiday Season

J.B. asks from Houston

Hey Moms, I just wanted to put a post up about a horrible experience I had yesterday as a way of helping other mamas out there and hopefully helping myself move on f...