School: Regalo

5 answers

Looking for a Hook-on High Chair...

With our first, we used a hook-on high chair...because it just worked out better at the time (moving around finishing school, etc.)...I'd really like to get one again...but we would use it on a more regular basis than just traveling - as most people (I think?) do. The most important features, for me...would be: very sturdy and easy to clean. I'm leaning towards the Inglesina 2011 ( It doesn't go as far under the table as the...


Nap Time Help!

Hi. My daughter is 20 months old and nap time has always been a bit of a...


5 answers

Looking for a Hook-on High Chair...

With our first, we used a hook-on high chair...because it just worked out better at the time (moving around finishing school, etc.)...I'd really like to get one again...but we would use it on a more regular basis than just traveling - as most people (I think?) do. The most important features, for me...would be: very sturdy and easy to clean. I'm leaning towards the Inglesina 2011 ( It doesn't go as far under the table as the...