Safety Products: Alimentum

See all 15 articles
9 answers

Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance?

Hi moms! Our oldest daughter was allergic to the milk protein (casein) for the first 3 years of her life before suddenly growing out of it. Our middle son has totally different symptoms. In order to avoid an issue, he had only soy based formula as an infant and we only give him almond milk now and avoid ALL milk products. Our daughter had behavioral issues that we could see right away it was casein issues. But with our son, he just gets diarrhea and no other symptoms. No tummy aches, no red tush, etc. So for him, it could be a...

Safety & Baby Gates

19 answers

Does My Baby Have Reflux??

I have an almost 4 week old baby. He's already on Similac Alimentum for the past week and a half because of him projectile vomiting and being extremely fussy and gassy. However, whenever he eats he groans and grunts almost the whole time like he's in pain. We stop to burp him several times but he still grunts. Then after he's finished he spits up alot and even sometimes after 2 hrs after eating he's still spitting up. He spits up after every feeding. I'm not sure if this is a reflux problem considering he's already on a hypoallergenic...