Respiratory: Luvs

48 answers

Causes of Diaper Rash

Hi! My son recently turned one and has started having problems with developing diaper rash. Up until now, we haven't had too much of a problem with this but recently it has become an ongoing issue. I always change his diaper as soon as I know that it is soiled so I don't think this is the issue. I have talked to his peditrician about what could be causing the flare ups and was told that it could be a reaction to something that he is eating. He informed me the only way to find out which food was causing the reaction was to start all...


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20 answers

Alergic to Luvs??

i just brought my baby back from the doctor because i noticed that she had little red bumps all over her butt. we have recently changed her diaper to luvs because there was more in the box then i started noticing these bumps well sure enough the doctor said she was allergic has anyone else had this problem? so now were back to pampers and there clearing up great with the prescription cream.


Luvs V. Huggies?

Hi All We're trying to find ways to save money where we can (aren't we...


Pampers VS. LUVS

Hello Moms, So I normally am a "Huggies ONLY" mom, I've tried every brand...