Pregnancy Diarrhea: Preschooler

Results 61-70 from 77 articles

Does Anyone Know?

A.M. asks from Lafayette

.. the laws on breastfeeding in public places? (i.e. the park or the mall)I was practically kicked out of a store in the mall where my mother and I were shopping.How ...


Order in Which to Start Solids

J.M. asks from Honolulu

Hi, I am a breastfeeding mom of a big, healthy, 6 month old boy. I love breastfeeding and want my baby to breastfeed as long as possible. I am only wondering, when ...


Food Restrictions for Me While Breastfeeding?

C.D. asks from Raleigh

Hi everyone, I've been getting conflicting advice from the various doctors in my OB practice, as well as the nurses I've asked, so I wanted to see what you experie...


Seeking Advice About Delayed/selective Vaccine Scheduling

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for information and advice about delayed/selective vaccine scheduling. Currently we are splitting his immunizations, in other words we gave him 2 out of...


Baby Blues

N.M. asks from Chico

I have kind of a dumb question about baby blues. I just had my third (and final) baby in three years and I think I am experiencing the "baby blues." Without any pro...


How Many Times Have You Been to the ER?

L.O. asks from Detroit

I never go to the ER unless it is really really an emergency.. I am amazed at the folks taht go to the ER for the silliest reason. I was there once for my elderly mo...


Alternate Immunization Schedules

L.L. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms! I am seeking any and all advice about newborn/childhood immunizations. There is so much information out there that worries me. I wonder if any of you have d...


MMR Shot and Autism

J.S. asks from Milwaukee

Hi Mom's, i was just curious what everyone's take was on the possible links between the MMR shot and autism. My son will be 1 year old tomorrow :) and his 1 year che...


Anyone Ever Had Gallbladder Issues?

J.H. asks from Richmond

I went to the Dr. on Monday because I have pain in the upper part of my abdomen, nausea, and bloating. I've been experiencing this for almost a month now. She told m...


Seeking Advice on Gallbladder Problem.

A.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have to have my gall bladder taken out and I am scared to death about it.