Precautions: Infant, Aveeno

Results 51-60 from 186 articles

Possible Link with Chromosome Inversion and Eczema?

G.P. asks from Boston

I had amnios done when I was pregnant with my last 2 kids and both have an inverted chromosome 9. We were told that this chromosome anomaly is clinically insignifican...


Strech Marks

M.F. asks from Houston

hello ladies, I made it through my first pregnancy with a few strech marks and do not want to add to them we are trying to have baby #2 so I was wanting any st...


Very Itchy Skin from Poison Ivy

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

About 2 weeks ago I was outside and somehow touched poison something-or-other (no idea if it was ivy, sumac, oak or something else), but my arm blistered up and was n...


What Things, Places, People Do You Think Is/are Underrated?

☆.A. asks from Pittsburgh

With a nod to Christine....what about underrated things in your life. Things, people, places you couldn't do without? I'll start: Panera Blueberry bagels and Hon...


DESPERATELY Need Help Finding the Right Facial Cleanser!!!

M.F. asks from Dallas

I have had problems with acne for several years and I have tried EVERYTHING...Mary Kay worked at one time, more recently it was Clinique products. However, since I h...


My OB Thought I Had PUPPP, but Not So Sure Anymore--help!

L.Y. asks from Minneapolis

My OB told me I had PUPPP (pregnancy rash) last week, this morning it spread to my left cheek. I called her and now she is not certain it's PUPPP, because this rash s...


Need Moisturizure & Daily Face Wash Recommendations That Are Safe While Prego

D.S. asks from Cleveland

Hi Mommies, I just found out that I am prego and am thinking about some of the products I use on my face. I have read that Salicylic Acid isn't necessarily a good ...


Itchy Breasts While Pregnant

L.M. asks from Visalia

Hi Ladies, I have a problem driving me crazy! With my first pregnancy I used Vitamin E Oil (specifically for pregnant women) on my breasts when they became itchy. It...



L.W. asks from Boston

HI...I just wondered if anyone else had to deal w/ PUPPP while they were pregnant. If you have no idea what I'm talking about this is what i got from the internet (...


Preggo Questions....

S.Y. asks from Tampa

Hi moms! I just found out I am 5 wks preggo...very excided!!!!!!! I just wanted to see what some of you thought of a couple of things. First Coffee, I like to drink o...