i am pretty sure i am pregnant but i dont know which test to buy. i was going to buy the first response but then i heard it gives FALSE positives! anyone had this hap...
I am 46 and 7 weeks pregnant(naturally), 2 teenage daughters, 2 miscarriages in the past 2 years. So my new husband of 5 years and I are hoping third times a charm. B...
So, I ask another question.
When the govt is the "caretaker", and we all want some 'say' over how this money is used: what kind of car a recipient drives, the value...
I am hoping some of you mamas can help me out and give some much needed advice. I am feeling very traumatized because of frequent miscarriages mostly first tri...
Hi mamas,
I am so sad to write this. I went for my first baby appt on Friday and my baby has no heart beat. Today, I have to go for a final ultrasound and then tomor...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...