My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
My daughter is 10 months old. She doesn't sleep all night let alone take hardly any naps during the day. I'm truly just at my wits ends because I don't know what to d...
I am looking at an in home medical grade doppler to rent for the next 6 weeks until the baby starts moving. Has anyone used the Heartbeats at Home brand? http://www.h...
Hi Moms- I need some help with car seats. My baby boy is almost 20 pounds and is almost ready for a front facing car seat. My husband and I are so excited, because we...
My husband and I have a 3-week-old who will only fall asleep on our chest or in our arms. When we put her down in her cradle or the bassinet, she usually wakes up wi...
My little baby is not so little anymore. I have a couple of questions. 1. How old or how much should he weigh before he goes into a front facing car seat? I have ...
My beautiful 6 month old daughter seems to be growing fine in the charts. When she was 4 months old we tried feeding her some rice ceral. She didn't want anything t...
I am requesting some info to help out my sister potty train her almost 4 year old daughter. She is still wearing diapers, and refuses to use the toilet. She will go...
My daughter is 9 weeks old...from the time she came home from the hospital, she has refused to sleep in her bassinet or crib. My husband and I have tried every sleep ...
that is unless I sleep with her on the couch. She has acid reflux and has battled two ear infections over the last couple of months. She has one tooth that has alread...