My 5 year old son has low muscle tone. He has difficulty walking and tires easily. He is getting too old and too heavy to carry and he can't walk more than a few feet...
My daughter is 5 months old and rapidly outgrowing her infant car seat - she isn't that heavy but she is very tall. We have a Graco seat that I have grown to hate. It...
I am a first time mom-to-be. I enjoy walking and pre-pregnancy I jogged regulalry and did several 5K and 5 mile races a year. I am trying to decide on the best type...
Our baby girl is 6 months old and we are wondering what stroller to get her. She is growing very fast, in the 99% percentile for height. I would like a light weight...
I am traveling to london for a business trip with my husband and our 5 month old baby in two weeks.
We travel a lot but this is our first baby. We are clueless about...
Hey Ladies! I have a 3 year old and a 2 month old:) Any recommendations on double strollers?? Ones to consider and ones to stay away from. I know the Bob is fabulous,...
I'm going to be traveling (via airplane) with a 6 month-old. Any recommendations for a lightweight stroller? I'd like something with a sun shade because I don't want ...
Hello all. I have a daughter who will be almost 4 when my second child will be born. We are looking for a new stroller, but don't know which kind. My daughter stil...
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good double stroller? My daughter will barely be 16 months old when baby #2 is born so will still need a stroller. I see a l...