I was just curious to know how long everyone used the booster seat in the car for your kids and if you used the high back or the one with no backing. My son is 5.5 y...
My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
I have a very big 2 year old who is getting close to the 40lb. limit on our car seat. Im am looking for the next step of car seat, which I assume, is the booster seat...
We are looking for a good toddler booster seat. My daughter is 2.5 years, 31 pounds and 36 inches. She still needs a 5-point harness, but I would like one that goes...
My daughter is almost 1 year and is close to out growing her infant carseat. We have an Alpha and Omega Elite carseat but I'm not too happy with it and really only wa...
Anyone have a recommendation for a toddler car seat? One that my son won't flop out of when he's sleeping.
I had an Evenflo Triumph that I loved but it was only goo...
Hi Moms,
I need some help with choosing the next carseat for my son. He's 11 months old and is pretty tall (at his 9 month appt. he was 27 inches and 22 1/2 pound...
My son is well on his way to outgrowing his infant carrier. I've started to think about the next carseat we purchase for him and am looking for feedback on seats you'...
I'm having number 2 and I learned from number 1 what I DON'T like in a carseat. (heavy, awkward) Can anyone suggest a light, comfortable, practical infant car seat?
I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 16 month old. Weights are 36lbs and 22 lbs respectively. Still have big brother in a convertible car seat, facing forward, with chest ...