Nighttime Feedings: Infant, Teddy Bears

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Getting a Baby to Sleep Longer Through the Night.

M.H. asks from Dallas

Just wondering if anyone had any tips, techniques, advice on getting a baby to sleep longer through the night. I have a 7 week old who was sleeping 5 to 6 hours thro...


Help! 7 Mo. Old Not Sleeping!

A.M. asks from Denver

Aagh! I need help/suggestions for my 7 mo. old boy who still wakes several times during the night. I've done everything: I'm feeding him more during the day and ev...


Help Stop Breatst Feeding and Get 8 Month Out of the Bed!

L.T. asks from Norfolk

Love my baby girl and have no problem leting her sleep in our bed. My man has not complained at all. But I know he is not really happy with it. It is just that I can ...


Need Sleep!

S.P. asks from Los Angeles

I request sleep! My 5 month old is waking up 3-4 times a night. She has been doing this for the past 2 months. This is our routine: Bath at about 8pm, nursing ses...


Weaning from Breastfeeding

L.C. asks from Austin

My daughter is 16 months old and still breastfeeding, in addition to eating 'adult' food. She can drink from a sippy cup or bottle, and has started drinking cow's mil...


Sleepless Nights with a 13 Week Old

A.D. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 13 week old little girl. Her last feeding is around 11:30 pm - midnight. She hasn't been a great sleeper yet and lately she is waking around 3 am. She does n...


Co Sleeping Not for Me

K.L. asks from Phoenix

My son is 6 weeks old and loves to sleep on my chest to nap or at night. When I put him in his basinet (asleep) he wakes himself up and cries. I have tried to sing to...


Help Please

L.S. asks from Atlanta

My daughter is almost 7 months, she always sleeps while I am nursing her and she gets up so many times at night to nurse she wont go back to sleep until she nurse. W...


Grandma Looking for Sleep Advice

L.T. asks from South Bend

We have a new grandaughter and both her and her mom live with us. she was just born and is only 6 days old. My daughter does not want to get the baby in the habit of ...


7-Week Old Won't Sleep on Her Back

S.C. asks from Minneapolis

My little girl sleeps perfectly when I'm holding her...when I put her down, she screams. I know I'm being a wimp, but I spend many nights holding her all night so sh...