Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 41-50 from 345 articles

Sleep Help! 8 Month Old Still Waking Often

J.S. asks from Pittsburgh

Needing some sleep help! My 8 month old DD is still waking 2-3x/night. I haven't had more than 4 hours of straight sleep in 16 months (had insomnia during pregnancy...


2 1/2 Yr. Old and 3 Month Old- How Do I Keep BOTH Happy ?

L.F. asks from San Francisco

I have a toddler daughter and a newborn boy. I'm having trouble keeping both happy. For example, when I feed my son, my daughter wants me to put him down and color! I...


Traveling with 4-Month Old

M.K. asks from San Francisco

We are flying across the country at the end of this month with our 4-month old daughter and are looking for any advice or tips you may have. Any must-haves for the ca...


7 Month Old First Flight

K.B. asks from Portland

I am flying to South Carolina with my infant son in October. It will be his frist flight. I am a nervous wreck! I think the main thing I am worried about is him sc...


Can You Spoil a 1 Month Old?

E.W. asks from New York

My son is 1 month old. And lately (the last 3 days) he ONLY wants me. Not my husband, MIL, my sister- just ME. And he also is giving me a hard time with being put dow...


7 Month Old Not Sleeping- Help

T.B. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I must be doing something wrong because neither of my sons has been a great sleeper. My 7 month old goes to bed around 7pm and wakes up about every 1.5-2...


Entertaining a 3-Month Old?

O.C. asks from Corpus Christi

I have just recently begun staying home with my beautiful 3-month old daughter. She is amazingly alert and doesn't take very long naps during the day (maybe 30-45 min...


Seeking Flying Advice for 9 Month Old

D.M. asks from Atlanta

Hello Ladies, We are thinking about flying from Atlanta to PA over Labor Day Weekend to visit family and am looking for advice. Anything really from what I need t...


Colic Hour for 5 Month Old?

L.M. asks from San Francisco

Just curious if it is abnormal to suffer colic hour with a 5 month old. Our daughter has been to the doctor a million times trying to figure out why she is so fussy. ...


Seeking Advice on Flying with a 4 Month Old

S.J. asks from Milwaukee

I will be flying to california in september with my 4 month old and her father will not be able to make the trip, I am going to see her pediatrician before we leave b...