Night Waking & Crying: Target

Results 1-10 from 2,180 articles

Breast Feeding

N.C. asks from Chicago

I need help on what kind of breast pump I should get? Also I would like to know suggestions on what else I would need to buy if i will be breast feeding?


Feeding an Infant

M.A. asks from Rochester

How much are you feeding your 3 or 4 month old? I am breastfeeding but she gets bottles of breast milk during the day while I'm working. Just wondering how much other...


Breast Feeding

I.R. asks from New York

does breast pump hurt...? my friend told me it hurts alot... and is breast feeding painful too..??? what shall i do incase it hurts..?? first time mom to be he...


Formula/Breast Feeding

S.L. asks from Providence

My daughter is 5 days old and I have been breastfeeding since I left the hospital but also formula feeding because my milk took a little while to come in and she was ...


Feeding Dilema

S.C. asks from Lawton

I have a 3 week old daughter. She seems to be eating between 3 and 4 oz of formula at each sitting. However, the times she eats vary- sometimes,it's every 3,or 4 hour...


Bottle Feeding

K.R. asks from Madison

My son is always hungry. He eats 5 ounces every three hours. He screams for it at two hours. I was wondering what formula i should choose to feed him? One that will f...


Not Feeding Enough?

N.D. asks from Boca Raton

My son is 10 months old and has slept through the night since he was about 12 weeks old. About a week ago he started waking up between 4-4:30 AM. I'm wondering if I...


Bottle Feeding

K. asks from New York

My 11 week old daughter started full-time daycare 2 days ago. Prior to that she was exclusively breast fed (with a FEW exceptions of taking a bit of breast milk from ...


Up All Night...

R.S. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone had any suggestions, here's my dillemma. I just had twin boys, they're 2 1/2 weeks old, who are perfect for me during the day...bu...


When to Stop Feeding During the Night?

S.O. asks from Hartford

I have a 3 month old that wakes up 1 to 2 times during the night. I give her a 4oz bottle and she goes right back to sleep. Sometimes she eats the whole bottle and ot...