Night Waking & Crying: Infant, Nuby

Results 81-90 from 362 articles

How Much Milk and Food Does Your 10 Month Old Get?

T.S. asks from Chicago

Hi, our twins will be 10 months old on Feb. 8. We are trying to figure out what is the right amount they should be eating and drinking. Of course my husband thinks ...


She Won't Take a Sippy Cup!

S.R. asks from Dallas

Well, I am not sure what the biggest problem is. My 10 month old baby girl is really attached to breastfeeding. She is eating baby food and does well with it, so sh...


How Do I Get My 1 Year Old off the Bottle and on a Sippy

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Hi Ladies, I am once again ready to listen. Please bear with me as I have questions about the questions I am going to ask. My daughter turns 1 on Monday. I was told...


5 Month Old Wont Take a bottle...only Breast

A.W. asks from Denver

I have a beautiful 5 month old baby first...who really will only eat from the breast and is still getting up 3-4 times a night. I am exhausted and feeling f...


Too Early for a Sippy Cup

S. asks from Chicago

I am on WIC (women and infant program) and the nurse (or assistant not sure exactly what she is) told me to start giving my 6 month old daughter juice. She told me to...


16 Month Old Still on Bottle

T.R. asks from Indianapolis

I know, many of you may say I am a bad mom, but I put oatmeal and baby food in my son's milk. He is 16 months old and still HAS to have 7oz Milk, 1 jar 2nd Baby food ...


My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

M.S. asks from Portland

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. Bu...


Breast to Bottle?

R.G. asks from Fayetteville

I have breastfed my daughter since she was born. She is now 9 months old and I am 3 months pregnant. Her ped said that we could continue breastfeeding as long as I wa...


Weaning 12 Month Old

J.F. asks from Goldsboro

I am trying to wean my exclusively breastfed child and would like any advice on this. He had been nursing 4 times a day, one before am nap, pm nap, bedtime, and one ...



R.S. asks from Chicago

Is it at all possible to wean a baby who doesn't take a bottle? I am desperate for sleep and tired of waking up every 2 or 3 hours to nurse---I never thought I'd s...