Night Waking & Crying: Infant, Munchkin

Results 21-30 from 148 articles

Breastfed Baby Won't Take the Bottle!

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 month old baby is doing well with breastfeeding and has been from the beginning. We started to introduce breast milk in a bottle to him at about 4 weeks in the h...


Making Baby Food

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hello mommies! I was wondering if any of you made your baby food. My little love is about 6 months and were are starting solids. Please share any tips, ideas, or re...


Baby Still Doesn't Want to Eat Food @ 7 Months

S.R. asks from Denver

I first tried to feed my baby girl at 6 months per my pediatrician's recommendation. She still had a very strong tongue-thrust reflex at that time. I'd read that this...


Anyone Make Their Own Baby Food?

D.P. asks from Milwaukee

Good Evening Ladies, I was wondering if any of you make or have made your own baby food? MY 6 month old is now starting solids and I thougt that it might be easier ...


Weaning- No Idea What to Expect from a Non Bottle Taking Baby

H.X. asks from Los Angeles

my 7 month old has not taken a bottle in 5 months. As you can imagine, I'm pretty tied down as I can not leave my lovely little ball and chain for more than two- thr...


6 Month Old Baby Not Gaining Weight

M.T. asks from Lafayette

Hi mamas! I just took my baby in for his 6 month check up, and he'd only gained 6 oz since his 4 month checkup. He fell from the 50th percentile for weight to the 5t...


Need Help Getting Breastfed Baby to Take Bottle

R.R. asks from Los Angeles

My son is 13 weeks old. The first 9 weeks, my husband was able to give him a bottle of breastmilk once a day in order to give me a little extra time to rest. Then, ...


Baby Won't Take Bottle (Or Cup)

J.M. asks from New York

I need help! My son is 10 months old and I am pregnant, and I want to start weaning him off the breast. I tried last night and today to give him a bottle (and a cup) ...


10 Month Old Hates to Eat Baby Food

C.L. asks from Boise

I have a real problem, my son is about 10 months and for the last month an a half he has not wanted to eat his baby food. He will take the first bite but then he will...


When to Start Cereal?

E.W. asks from Tulsa

My baby is going to be 8wks old next week and I was wondering when other Mom's started feeding cereal. I have talked to the doctor and they have said that they want h...