Neocate: Child

Results 51-60 from 305 articles

Allergy Elimination Diet...Breastfeeding an Infant with GERD

B.H. asks from Sacramento

Hello everybody! I have been lurking on this website for several years and now am in desperate need of advice. I will try to keep this as brief as possible. I appreci...


Looking for Food Allergy Studies and Advice

K.W. asks from Pittsfield

I have a 5 year-old with severe life threatening food allergies that include wheat, milk, eggs, oats, barley,rye, peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame. I have had to previ...


Sleep Trainers?

M.T. asks from Miami

Hello Mothers – I would like to know if anyone has had any experience with a sleep trainer and whether anyone knows of one for hire. I am at my wits end with my ...


Allergen Free Formula?

N.D. asks from Las Vegas

Has anyone had an infant allergic to ELECARE infant formula? So far; Enfamil, Prosobee, Nutramigen, Nutramigen AA, and Elecare have not been successful. Any ideas for...


Getting Baby to Drink Hypoallergenic Formula

J.S. asks from Boston

My 4 month old has a milk protien allergy/intolerance and I have not eaten any dairy or soy for 3 months while breastfeeding. While he has improved, he still has som...


HELP!! My Son Is Always Sick.

G.R. asks from Washington DC

My son is 21 months old and he has been sick since he was born. I tried to breastfeed him for a few weeks and he had a very hard time having bowl movements, I tried ...


Hypoallergenic Formulas

T.F. asks from San Francisco

has anyone had problems with feeding their babies the hypoallergenic formulas?


Colic Baby

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I could need some help. I have a 4 week old son and he is crying 24/7. I'm so excausted. To the beginn i was breastfeeding him, but then my milk went away. I only got...


12 Month Old with Dairy allergies....rice Milk??

J.C. asks from Chicago

Ok mommies, I'm hoping there's someone who can help me out here. I nursed my first child to 16 months but he did cow's milk during his weaning time....and up unti...


Bf'g, Food Allergies and Supplementing with Formula

G.T. asks from Boston

Hi there. I have a 7.5 mos old who has numerous food allergies, and I am still BF'g - doing a lot of eliminating foods. I work, so my supply is not as much as I need ...