Money: Myself, Playtex

Results 1-10 from 510 articles

Anyone Hear Anything About Playtex Breastpumps?

D.P. asks from Indianapolis

I know that I have had overwhelming results saying Medella is the best and I have been researching the best price. At Target there is one for $129 but is not recomme...


Reusing Playtex Drop Ins Liners

M.C. asks from Chicago

Since I was laid off I have been coming up with little ways to save some money here and there. We use the Playtex Drop Ins system with my 5 month old. It occured to...


Need Opinions on Breast Pumps. -- Playtex Embrace?

M.B. asks from Chicago

I have a Medela Pump In Style now. I hate pumping but my son will not take formula and I will be working part time on weekends so I need to. I think the thing I d...


I Just Can Not Afford the Madela Double Electric So What About Playtex?

S.2. asks from Bakersfield

I purchased the Playtex Nurser System today at Target for $90 because the Madela Swing is $150 (the in style is just out of my league). I get home and before I open i...


Dr. Brown's Bottles or Playtex Drop-in Bottles?

K.P. asks from Cincinnati

I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts about which kind of bottle is better....Dr. Brown's or Playtex Drop-ins? I am thinking of nursing the baby, but I still wan...


Breast Feeding/returning to Work

S.S. asks from Spartanburg

Well I am back with more questions/concerns... I have been BF my 3rd child for 10 weeks now (yay!) We both are doing great with it... Looks like I will be retur...


Breastfeeding and Job Related Travel

B.M. asks from Chicago

Ok Moms..I have a 5 month old baby and she is exclusively breast fed. I work full time, but only leave her once a week as I work from home 4 days a week. That one d...


Breastfeeding, Can't Pump, Going Back to Work

S.R. asks from San Francisco

My son will be just over 9 months when I go back to work next month. I exclusively breast fed until he was 6 months and then began introducing solids. He is great w...


Breastfeeding Mom Going Back to Work, and 4 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle!!

A.H. asks from Chicago

I am going back to work in a week and my 4 month old son won't take a bottle!! I have tried Dr. Brown's, advent, and playtex vent-aire. He used to when he was smaller...


11 Week Old Refusing Bottle -- Go Back to Work Next Week!

H.F. asks from Chicago

My daughter is almost 11 weeks old and exclusively breastfed. We first introduced the bottle about 2 weeks ago and she took the first one no problem... however, nothi...