Milk, Dairy & Formula: Infant, Hydrocortisone

Results 51-60 from 648 articles

I Have a 4 Month Old Baby with Eczema

S.A. asks from Chicago

My 4 month old baby has eczema. No matter what I use, it doesn't seem to take it away. It always comes back and when it flares up it is really bad. He will scratch h...


Baby Eczema

S.T. asks from Philadelphia

My son is 4 months old and has a rash mainly on his eyeslids and underneath his eyes. He also has a little on his chin and cheeks. The pediatrician said it is eczema ...


Seeking Advice on Infant's Rash

J.P. asks from Miami

My 9 month old son developed a rash about a month ago around his neck and it has spread to his torso and diaper area. His pediatrician prescribed hydrocortisone cream...


Help for Infant Eczema!

C.C. asks from Dallas

Hi mamas! My almost 8 month old daughter is suffering from a bad flare-up of her eczema (for the last month now)! She has had it since she was about 2 months old, bu...


Need Good Moisturizer for Infant with Sensitive Skin

D.L. asks from San Diego

Can anyone recommend a good moisturizer? My son has been having some extremely dry patches on his legs. I tried a baby moisturizer but I think he had a reaction to it...


Baby Eczema

M.Y. asks from Denver

I am looking for a remedy for baby eczema. I have a 3 1/2 month girl. She constantly has this on her face. She has it on her arms, legs, and belly area. I have used ...


Infant Eczema 911 !!

J.T. asks from Jacksonville

Hi. I have a daughter with eczema--everywhere! She has it everywhere from her ankle crease and ankle bones, to her knees (front and back), up to her wrists-all around...


Soap/Shampoo Recommendations for Infant W/ Eczema

K.H. asks from Washington DC

My 4 month old daughter is dealing with eczema. It seems to be brought on by the colder weather and changes in humidity. (We've been using a humidifier in her room t...


Baby Has a Terrible Diaper Rash...

H.L. asks from Washington DC

I am wondering if anyone has a good cure for diaper rash. I am trying to allow my baby's bottom to get air, applying Balmex, and changing him frequently. I am seein...


Bleeding Sores on Baby's Bottom

M.R. asks from Cleveland

I have a 10 month old daughter (I never had this problem with my son, who is now 3). She had a diaper rash that turned into these sores. They are not blisters (so i'm...