Math: Teen

Results 81-90 from 1,065 articles

Let It Go or Get Serious?

N.G. asks from Champaign

My 10 year old daughter is slipping in accelerated math. She has struggled with it for 2 years-it's required in our school in addition to her regular math class which...


Teen Daughters with Autism

K.R. asks from Philadelphia

Anyone out there with a teen daughter with Autism??? I have 2, my oldest is high functioning. Since Autism usually is found more in boys it makes it rough and lonel...


Seeking Moms of ADD Children

L.D. asks from Huntsville

My son is 11 and has been diagnosed with ADD. He does not take medicine, I am learning about this disorder. Two nights ago he made the comment that he was going to h...


Homeschooling Bipolar Teenager

L.G. asks from Dallas

I have a 15 year old granddaughter who is bipolar. She is having very hard time in public school. My daughter is trying to find out information about homeschooling in...


How to Help a Teenager Decide What Career to Choose?

K.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I'm trying to help my teenage little nephew decide what career path to choose. He is 16 and has been raised by my aunt and uncle (instead of his own parents) a...


Need Advice on How to Help 7 Year Old Son.

T.T. asks from Houston

My son is 7 and is having a hard time with the 2nd grade. The subjecgt is math. He's not finishing classwork, talking. He says the work is hard, the teacher and I b...


5 Year Old Gifted - Behavioral Issues

A.S. asks from Dallas

Hi Mommas, Long post! I'm sorry! I have a question about my 5 y.o. DS (Kinder in fall). He was diagnosed as expressive speech delayed a little over a year ago a...


Stepson Struggling in School

S.H. asks from Portland

Hi, I will give you a very brief history and then ask my question. I could us some brainstorming ideas. My stepson is 14, and I have been stepmom to him since he w...


Needing Advice on My NON-INTERESTED 3Rd Grader

R.B. asks from Biloxi

I have a 3rd grade son that repeated 2nd grade last year, and I'm looking for ways to keep school and homework interesting for him. He hates school, We just moved her...


ADHD, Lds and Homework Tantrums - in a High schooler...seriously?

J.B. asks from Boston

Looking for some insight from those who have ADHD or who have older children with ADHD. My oldest son is 16, a junior in high school, and has inattentive-type ADHD...