Learning: Infant, Pulmicort

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16 answers

Congestion in 6 Week Old Infant -- Possibly a Food Allergy or Environmental?

My 6 week old son has sounded congested for the past 2 weeks. We saw the dr two days after it started and she didn't seem concerned because he has no other symptoms: no fever, no cough, no hives, his nose isn't runny, and he is eating well (he's exclusively breast-fed). He is not fussy at all either. However, he sounds very "snorty", like all the congestion is in the back of his nose/throat and occasionally he will gag on the phlegm, like he has post-nasal drip. My husband, daughter and I all suffer from seasonal allergies and have had...


Asthma and Dairy

I recently found out that my 13 month old has asthma. My pediatrician gave...