Learning Issues: Infant, First Years

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Needing Ways to Handle Child with ADD?

A.W. asks from Killeen

My sister adopted a foster child a year ago and when she got him, she was informed that he had ADD and was on medication. Both my sister and her husband don't like th...


Adoptive Son Needing Help with Behavior Problems

A.K. asks from Honolulu

I am a mom of a 13.5 yr old adoptive son whose past includes sexual and physical abuse from infancy. I believe he was "rejected" from the womb, as his foster mom tol...


Help with My 4 Year Old.

C.K. asks from Seattle

I am having some issues with my 4 year old and his attitude. He's always had some issues because he doesn't communicate well but it seems that lately it's been getti...


A Question for All the Homebirth/natural Birth Moms

L.K. asks from Austin

So I know I am in the minority and the majority of mainstream mothers have one or all of the following- ultraounds at every prenatal visit, scheduled inductions, epid...


To Go Back to Work or Not to Go Back to Work....

S.R. asks from Seattle

I have a 4 1/2 month old baby girl. I just recently returned to work for a 2 week time period (because my husband is off and can take care of her) and after the 2 wee...


Private vs Public

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Having read so much great advice on this site, I thought I'd post a question of my own. If money weren't an issue, would you send your child to private or public s...


Mom Wondering About Soy Formula

R.H. asks from Grand Forks

I have a 7 week old boy, on milk based formula he spit most of his bottle up after. So we swithed him to soy and he does not spit up half as much and is not so fussy ...


Should I Hold Back on Kindergarten a Year or Not?

P.L. asks from San Diego

My son will be 5 this week and have him set up to start kindergarten in August. I just have been having this nagging feeling like I should not start him this year. Le...


Twins and Kindergarten

L.J. asks from Orlando

I have twins who are three and half years old (boy and girl). They are the sweetest of all children. My son has very little speech. He attends speech therapy three...


Speech Therapy Resource Referral

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 1/2 year old boy's pediatrician recommended that we do speech therapy for him. He has the words but cannot put a sentence together. I would appreciate if anyon...