Are there any moms out there who were induced with their first child (not elective, but haaaaad to because past EDD), and naturally went into labor for the 2nd, 3rd, ...
Im 36 weeks and am being induced at the moment b/c my protein levels are high (+3). My blood pressure is normal but goes up off & on. Baby is doing good. So the only ...
Hi! I am about 14 weeks pregnant and I go to a group of 3 OBGYN's who I will be taking turns with so I get to know all of them since it depends who is on call when I...
Two years ago I ended up having a last minute c-section with my daughter due to multiple factors- they said she was going to be 10 pounds and they'd have to break her...
I am 18 weeks pregnant and found out today that I have gestational diabetes. I have a 2.5 year old, and when he was 6 months old I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, w...
So I'm 37wks FINALLY :) and I am ready for a certain amount of pain that comes with child birth. I have talked to my doctor about an epidural, and the jury is out if ...
Hey there, mommies & mommies-to-be...I need some advice. I'm 36 1/2 weeks prego, and our baby girl is breech. They are not expecting her to turn either, so have alr...
First off I want to say I'm NOT soliciting opinoins on natural child birth.. It's no one's business but mine and my husbands so if you're going to comment on my choic...
Hi moms. Yet another question!!
Just went to the dr. today and passed my second diabetes test! yeah. But then the Dr. said that I had low platelets count. He sai...
Hey all, so I wrote about Pitocin before and it's because of the above subject. First of all, has anybody delivered their baby vaginally knowing that they had a vela...