My daughter sufferd her second extreme asthma attack this year! We were once again overnight in the ER where after several hours of albuterol, oxygen and steroids, sh...
At what age were you comfortable with having your child go and sleepover at their friend's house? And did they handle their first sleep over OK and stay the whole nig...
Are there any moms with a child(ren) with chronic health issues? What about moms whose husbands have chronic health issues --or the moms themselves... or even all 3?...
Hi everyone. In an ongoing struggle to help my daughter, my teacher has asked that I see our doctor concerning lack of attention and focus. I am not against this as...
I have not felt like myself since I had my daughter almost two years ago. Right after she was born I felt extremely tired and achy, and I was having alot of ...
It is not my childs nightmare but mine.... to get my daughter to go to bed, is absoulte torture on me. She does her normal bedtime routine we brush teeth have warm mi...
I am a newly single (recently seperated) mom of 2 awesome kids. My "husband" lives on the other side of the country so he rarely sees our children. I have always been...
My 10 month old has never slept through the night- but would sleep for 4-5 hours at a time. For the last 2 months he started waking up almost every hour or two at nig...
This morning when I got up, I felt a little dizzy and my vision was blurred (both eyes). I couldn't focus enough to see clearly. This lasted on and off for about 20-...
Okay ladies, yes, I totally screwed up. I now have a 3 1/2 year old that won't f all asleep on his own. Now that I have a 4 month old to also care for, I am losing m...