Hypoallergenic: Toddler, The First Years

Results 21-30 from 318 articles

Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance?

N.S. asks from Tucson

Hi moms! Our oldest daughter was allergic to the milk protein (casein) for the first 3 years of her life before suddenly growing out of it. Our middle son has total...


18 Month Old Gets Ear Infections with Every Cold

S.B. asks from San Francisco

My son gets an ear infection with every cold he gets. He's seen an ENT, and they recommend he get tubes if he gets another infection. My husband and I are against t...


Breastfeeding - Shortage of Milk, Supplementing with Formula

D.M. asks from New York

Hi, I have an almost 2 week old, beautiful, little girl. She doesn't seem to be getting enough breast milk from me during the afternoon and evening feedings. I hav...


Weaning My 11 Month Old Son.

A.U. asks from Binghamton

My son is now 11 months old. We are still Breastfeeding and it is going very well. In the afternoons if I let a feeding go by he doesn't seem to care. Twice we wer...


My 13 Month Old Is Picky, picky...picky!

M.S. asks from Portland

My 13 month old little guy is ALL boy, except for his eating habits. Ever since he's realized he can eat what mommy is eating (to a point), that is all he wants. Bu...


How Much Formula Should My Almost 4 Months Son Be Eating?

J.H. asks from Visalia

We've had to start adding rice cereal to his formula, one scoop for every 4 oz, because he was spitting up a ton and that's what the doc recommended. Since he's gett...


Sudden Milk Allergy?

A.R. asks from Seattle

My three and half year old daughter developed hives all over her body out of the blue last night. She has a peanut allergy but we are super careful about that and I a...


What Kind of "Milk" Can I Feed My 10 Month Old Who Has a Milk Allergy

D.R. asks from Washington DC

I am going to be weaning my little one in a couple of months and was just wondering what kind of milk I could feed her. She was diagnosed with a serious milk allergy ...


I Must Stop Nursing My 22 Month Old!

S.N. asks from Boise

I have tried reducing my daughters times nursing and length of time nursing but it only kinda works briefly. I considered going cold turkey but didn't have the suppor...


Rdy to Pull Hair Out~formula 2 Milk Question

H.B. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter just turned 1 on the 13th and we started trying to get her use to reg milk since Dec. we tried everything we could possibly think of to get her drink it. ...