Hypoallergenic: Older Child

Results 81-90 from 869 articles

Giving a Baby Whole Milk Before 1 Year

J.G. asks from Bismarck

I've been doing some research on this topic and was wondering if anyone else heard of this? I read that you can start to introduce whole milk once your baby turned...


Similac Alimentum Stool/Bowel Movements and Increased Gas on Prevacid?

J.M. asks from Detroit

I have two questions here - Sorry - 1. Similac Alimentum Stool/Bowel Movements I recently changed my son over from Neocate (a special hypoallergenic formula for...


Soon to Be 6 Month Old Is Wheezing

A.M. asks from Phoenix

My son will be 6 months old on Feb 6th. He got a bad cold while in day care about 2 1/2 months ago and has not seemed to be the same since. We have gone to the doctor...


Managing Attention Deficit Disorder W/o Medication

V.D. asks from Austin

We have recently realized that our 9 year old most likely has attention deficit disorder. All four of his first cousins have been diagnosed and are taking medication...


Peanut Allergies?

D.L. asks from Los Angeles

My question is this. when i was growing up I never heard of anyone with a peanut alergy. We commonly brought beanut butter and jelly sandwiches to school and when a...


Baby Has Paiful Gas Pain?? Help!

T.B. asks from Nashville

Hello My 19 week old boy is having intense gas pain and I dont know how to help him!! 9 days ago I brought him to the doctor because he was turning bright red and sc...


Bewilldered Mom with 4 Month Old Son and Chronic Coughing

J.P. asks from Chicago

I need some help figuring out this chronic cought my 4 month old son has. One peditrican said it is just a cold from daycare. Another one said, because I questioned i...


Treatment for Allergies and Mild Asthma

T.L. asks from Rochester

Hello Everyone. I really need some advice on what to do for my 6 year old son. First a little background: he was born with severe acid reflux and was on Zantac syru...


Dairy Vs. ?

J.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms- I hope someone can help. My 4 1/2 year old son is allergic to milk. We didn't discover this until a few months ago. He had a tiny bit of blood when he'd wip...


Help with Baby Itch Relief -Eczema

M.T. asks from San Francisco

My 3-month old has eczema. The Dr. just told me to put an over the counter eucerin on the affected area but now he's starting to scratch and rub any suggestions for w...