Hypoallergenic: Older Child

Results 61-70 from 869 articles

Need Help with Food Allergy Problems

A.S. asks from Huntington

My daughter is 17 months old and she cannot tolerate dairy or soy products. I am wondering if anyone else has this problem and if they have any good recipes to share...


Blood in Baby's Stool

R.A. asks from Los Angeles

Dear Moms, I noticed a tinge of blood with my baby's (5 month old) stool. Since I'm breastfeeding, the doctor put me on a strict diet (No: dairy, eggs, soy, eggs, n...


Infant Eczema: Causes and Cures

L.B. asks from Columbus

My eight-month-old daughter has eczema, so she gets itchy red patches mostly on her cheeks, neck, and the creases of her elbows and knees. Her doctor prescribed a ste...


7-Month Old Baby Vomiting - Possible Food Allergy?

K.G. asks from Portland

4 days ago my 7-month old son was vomiting for the first time right before bed - all his breast milk and then dry heaves for about an hour. He slept well after that ...


Unusual Behavior May Be Linked to Children's Zyrtec Allergy Medicine

S.C. asks from Louisville

My 7yr old son has been taking Children's Zyrtec Allergy medicine for the past 2 weeks. My husband and I have witnessed some major behavior changes in our son. He s...


Need Help...6 Year Old Needs to Gain Weight....

C.D. asks from Fort Myers

Hi all! I'm new on here and am looking for friendly Mom advise. I recently took my 6 year old son to his well child check up. He lost a pound since his 5 year visit....


Protein Suggestions for Food Allergy Kid

A.H. asks from Dallas

Hello Mommies, I have a 4-1/2 year old boy who is allergic to milk, wheat, soy and eggs (to name a few major ones). Any suggestions on protein source? Lately, it...


Introducing Dairy?

A.L. asks from Fresno

My daughter is fast-approaching her first birthday and we are not sure how to handle the milk introduction. She showed signs of having an allergy from the start. I ...


Acid Reflux in Infant

M.Q. asks from New York

Hello everyone. I am writing to get as much feed back on acid reflux in infants as I can. My daughter started spitting up when she was 2 weeks old i was breastfeeding...


Does My Baby Have Reflux??

N.O. asks from Detroit

I have an almost 4 week old baby. He's already on Similac Alimentum for the past week and a half because of him projectile vomiting and being extremely fussy and gas...