Hypoallergenic: Older Child

Results 191-200 from 869 articles

What's the Deal with Soy?

L.B. asks from Chicago

I keep hearing that kids, in particular girls shouldn't have too much. Estrogen perhaps? My one year old daughter will not drink cows milk and gets a combination of...


Feeding Problems

C.D. asks from Anchorage

I have been having problems feeding my 3 month old. About 2 weeks ago she started getting so much gas durring feeding(formula...tried to breast feed but it just did n...


Spit Up

K.P. asks from Chicago

Any advice about excessive baby spit-up? My 3 month old spits up a lot after eating. We burp her and keep her upright after feeding but still spits up way too much- ...


Should My 4 Month Old Eat Rice Cereal?

M.G. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, Last week at my 4 month old's check up, the pediatrician gave me the green light to start him on rice cereal. I just heard that infants younger than 6 mo...


Drinking Milk

J.K. asks from St. Louis

My 17 mo old daughter refuses to drink milk. I have tried every kind of whole milk you can think of. Organic, Oberweis, all name brands and I have even added water to...


Advice About a Rash

J.H. asks from Wichita

My 2 year old has had a generalized rash on his entire body...minus his back and genital area for about 1 week. It is not bumpy and does not seem to bother him at al...


4 Month Old Constipated - OMG, HELP!

J.D. asks from Las Vegas

My daughter is having the hardest time with her bowel movements. It's been 2.5 days now with no messy diaper, but she's straining to go and is in pain while trying to...


First Time Mom of 1 Week Old Baby Boy!

A.H. asks from Los Angeles

Help!!! I'm 40yrs old, first time mom of a (one week old) Baby Boy. Please, I need advise from all of the wonderful moms that have gone through the same thing of ...


Reflux in 4 Month Old

J.D. asks from New York

I was wondering if anyone has had any issues with reflux in their infants. At 4 months my son weighed 9 lbs. (He was 4 lbs 9 oz at birth.) A week later he lost som...


5 Month Old Cries ALL the Time

A.S. asks from Redding

Hi there, I have a 5 month old little girl that cries all the time. If she is awake she is almost guarenteed to be cring. She has been doing this for about 2 1/2-3 m...