Hypoallergenic: Older Child

Results 141-150 from 869 articles

Colic Baby

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I could need some help. I have a 4 week old son and he is crying 24/7. I'm so excausted. To the beginn i was breastfeeding him, but then my milk went away. I only got...


Milk Subsitutes

C.C. asks from Spokane

I recently determined that my little Ben is allergic to milk. It seems like he's had a runny nose as long as I can remember =0( But I recently stopped giving him milk...


11 Month Old Won't Nurse Anymore

A.G. asks from Spartanburg

I have an 11 month old boy that refuses to nurse anymore! :( He eats well........beans, cheese and fruits (bananas, blueberries mostly) are his faves, but he will a...


Infant Formulas

C.S. asks from New York

I know breast feeding is best but I am not able to breast feed for medical reasons. I want some feedback on which formula is best and why. Can anyone help? I know of ...


How to Introduce Cereal into the Bottle...

K.C. asks from Barnstable

I've just gotten a bunch of advice from you wonderful moms, and now a need just a little more. I'm going to add ceral to my baby's formula to help him sleep a little...


Meal Suggestions for 11 Month Old

R.R. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi moms, I am wondering if you can provide me with some meal suggestions for my 11 month old. I am a first time mom and not to sure what she can have at this age. ...


Seeking Advice on Alternative Treatments of Allergies and Asthma

J.K. asks from Chicago

I was wondering if any of you Moms know of non-invasive treatments of allergies and/or asthma. My three children have various allergies and we have tried NAET (the Na...


Seasonal Allergy/Sinus Relief

L.S. asks from San Diego

This is the second year that my six year old son has gotten a seasonal allergy. This time the congestion/coughing due to drainage seemed worse. I took him to the doct...


Alternative Treatments for Allergies-Asthma and Ezcema

J.W. asks from Great Falls

My 8 year old son has suffered mildly for a few years with seasonal allergies, excema and asthma when he has a cold. He seems to constantly have post nasal drip, he ...


Concerned Mom

H.C. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 10 month old daughter who currently is on enfamil prosobee formula. I want to start giving her 2 percent milk. Will this have any affect on her since the doc...