Home Remedies: BumGenius

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5 answers

Getting Rid of Smell in Cloth Diapers

I started using cloth diapers a few months ago and I loved them until they started smelling. I use bunGenius, Mommy's Touch, and Happy Heinies pocket diapers. They smell awful even after washing. My wash routine is: cold wash cycle, hot wash cycle with detergent, and a warm wash cycle. I bleach them once a month at the manufacturer's recommendation. I've tried Dawn dish soap on them, I've added a water softener to my wash cycle, and I let them dry outside in the sun, and the still stink. I feel like I've done everything, and they still...

Baby Oil

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14 answers

bumGenius And Other Cloth Diaper Options

I am interested in CDing my first baby, due in August. I have been thinking about the bumGenius one-size diapers but am not sure how many I will need for a typical day/night and what else I will need (inserts, cloth vs. disposable wipes, etc). Thanks in advance for your help!


Diaper Rash ?

My daughter got that nasty stomach virus that is going around and still is...

Baking Powder

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14 answers

bumGenius And Other Cloth Diaper Options

I am interested in CDing my first baby, due in August. I have been thinking about the bumGenius one-size diapers but am not sure how many I will need for a typical day/night and what else I will need (inserts, cloth vs. disposable wipes, etc). Thanks in advance for your help!


Diaper Rash ?

My daughter got that nasty stomach virus that is going around and still is...

Corn Starch

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16 answers

Diaper Rash with Cloth Diapers

I am new to cloth diapering, and have just started using cloth with my 8 mo old. She was fine for a day or so, but then got a diaper rash. I wasn't sure if I could use cream, so I switched back to disposables. Again today we're using cloth and she has a rash again. She has never had one other than this. I change her about every 2-3 hours and immediately if she's pooped. I use Nellie's soap that a friend suggested. Am I doing something wrong? I would love to keep using cloth. Thanks in advance for your help!


Diaper Rash ?

My daughter got that nasty stomach virus that is going around and still is...