my SD is almost 6 and in kindergarten. for the past three years i've been working with her on her ABCs and sounds and reading, and she's been doing very well, but we...
I've been to a million tupperware, jewelry, Pampered Chef, you name it parties, but I've NEVER hosted one before and I'm kind of freaking out here!!
I'm hosting a ...
After a tremendously long and difficult time, we may have hit the jackpot in finding the reason for my husband's constant debilitating stomach issues. We think he ha...
I started watching a little girl about a month ago. I myself have a 1 1/2 year old. I bought an Instep double jogging stroller on E-bay last week so that I could ta...
Tonight I tried a new Weight Watchers meal with my family. I didn't ask what anyone wanted, I just make it. AMAZING! It's called Cheesy Taco Pasta, and is 9 PPV for 1...
hi every one,
my son is now 3, and still not potty trained,
how do i do this, when i ask him where does he go peepee or poopoo he relies "in the potty" but he d...
We have a 15 month old and just had another baby and are looking at double strollers. Anyone have any input on the Phil & Ted's Sport Double or the Baby Jogger City ...
Dear moms,
I know this question comes up in different formulations with some regularity but I can't find it with my specific circumstances so need to ask my own.
My husband and I are expecting our first baby (a boy!) and I really want to be able to get right back into vigorous exercising after he is born, (I plan to do a triat...