Healthcare Providers: Alimentum

22 answers

Does Cow's Milk Affect Behavior?

Does anyone have experience with cow's milk affecting behavior? I have two year old twins and and 9 month old. When they were babies they had inexplicable rashes. This occurred after I supplemented with formula at about 6 months. My 9 month old now has a rash which coincides with switching from breastfeeding to formula(they look like heat rashes). I switched from milk to almond milk for my twins and I swear their behavior has dramatically improved. Could this be a coincidence since they are almost three and have finally adjusted to a new...


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8 answers

Similac Alimentum Spit up Issue

I have tried 5 formulas now for my 2 1/2 month old son. Started with Enfamil Newborn, which made him gassy and constipated, then went to gentleease, which still made him gassy m constipated, Our Dr then switched us to Prosobee and told us he had milk intolerance and reflux. After about a three days he had a reacton to the soy and was pooping 10 times a day and was spitting up. We went back to the Dr and they put him on Nutramagen(super expensive, we tried this for a week, and it didnt help with pooping or spitting up, so we are now on...


Allergic to Enfamil?

My 3 month old has had feeding issues since he was a month old. He gets a...


10 answers

Newborn with Bad Gas, Possible Milk Intolerance?

My daughter is 6 weeks old and I think she may have a milk allergy or intolerance but I'm not sure. She cries as though she is in pain throughout the day and when she cries her body gets stiff and when I'm holding her I can feel her pushing as though she is trying to pass gas which makes me think she is constipated. I explained this to her doctor at her 4 week check up and he said it's colic, but I decided to switch her formula from the regular enfamil to enfamil gentlease and things seemed to be better at first, but then she went back to...