Going Back to Work: Infant, Infantino

Results 21-30 from 81 articles

Baby Carrier

L.H. asks from Detroit

Oh my gosh! There are so many more baby carriers on the market than there was three years ago! I have the Infantino SlingRider, which I'll use, but I now want one tha...


Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

M.M. asks from Seattle

Has anyone out there tried the Moby Wrap or one of the other Moby products? I found some information on it, but want to get any feedback from someone who has used it...


What Is Your Favorite Baby Carrier?

C.S. asks from Medford

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and used several different slings and a baby bjorn with my first two. The slings were good for sitting and working on my computer (and b...


Looking for Info Regarding Baby Slings

M.L. asks from New York

I am a 5 weeks away from having my second child. I attempted to use a front infant carrier (Baby Bjorn) for my first child, but he did not really like it and I found ...


What's the Best Baby Carrier?

L.S. asks from Austin

I want to buy a type of pouch baby carrier, but I am not sure if it really does the job. Looking for something comfortable for me and the baby and easy to put on. C...


Where to Put Baby in Shopping Cart

R.R. asks from Boston

Hi! I feel really stupid, but I just found out that you're not supposed to put your baby in his/her infant car seat in the top part of the shopping cart! I did this w...


Baby Sling Recommendation

J.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello! I am due to have my second baby in a week and have been going back and forth about getting a sling. I didn't have one for my first, but I didn't ever find that...


Baby Carrier Recommendations

S.F. asks from Utica

I just asked a question about helpful hints for when baby number 2 arrives and someone that responded kindly mentioned a baby sling to help out. I think this is an a...


Baby Carrier/Slings Recommendations

S.P. asks from Reading

I' looking into purchasing either a baby carrier or a sling for a 4 month old. He's classified as a "high needs baby" (according to Dr. Sears) and needs to be held a...


Suggestions for Baby Registery

A.T. asks from Fort Wayne

It has been a long time since we've had a baby in the house, we already have the crib and other "major" items, but I wanted to hear from you mom's if there is anythin...