Gas & Gas Drops: Miralax

Results 91-100 from 362 articles

Colick and Tummy Troubles

T.E. asks from Greenville

Hi, I have a 9 week old son who has been to the doctor more than I have my entire life. For the first 6 weeks he screamed/cried from 6pm until he feel asleep. His st...


Pregnant, Constipated, and DESPERATE

R.S. asks from New York

Hi lovely mommas! Well, here is my way TMI post - and I am sorry to do this, but I really am desperate. I am pregnant, still in my first trimester. My previous pr...


15 Month Old Diaper Rash Wont Have BM

D.G. asks from Albany

please help my daugther is 15 months old teething,but heres the thing it sound like shes constopated she pushes but she cant and wont poop she passes gas no problem a...


Reflux, Constipation, Water, and Fiber in Breasfeeding Baby

K.B. asks from Houston

My 3 and 1/2 month old baby boy has reflux and very infrequent bowel movements. His reflux is not acidy; it's actually watery or mucusy, but it travels all the way u...


Reflux, Cereal, Constipation, Sleep and Twins...warning: a Little Long!

M.M. asks from San Diego

My 4 1/2 mo old twins were just diagnosed with reflux. The Dr recommended we start them on rice cereal 2/day to help (among other things). It has seemed to help Mic...


2Year Old Refusing to Poop....

B.W. asks from Washington DC

I know this is not uncommon so what would you all recommend for a 2.5 year old child who is refusing to poop? We are in the potty training process and her ability to...


Afraid to Do a BM

C.M. asks from Chicago

My 9-year old recently had a constipation problem where her stool was large and it hurt to pass it. We ended up using a suppository to help her go. It was quite traum...


Son Getting Biopsy Testing for Hirschsprungs Disease

R.N. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, I have a 7 year old son that is going in on Wednesday to have a full rectal biopsy to check for Hirschsprungs Disease. I am very nervous and the proc...


10 Week Old Fights Sleep!

A.M. asks from Sacramento

My daughter will be 10 wks this sat. She has silent reflux disorder but is on prevacid, and now uses soy formula. She has always had a sensitive tummy, tons of gas, b...


Gall Bladder Complications? Sorry, This Is a TMI Posting.

A.C. asks from Cincinnati

I had my gall bladder removed last November, after several serious (and progressively more painful) attacks, and at first, it was quite a relief. Lots of people told ...