Formula: Preschooler

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34 answers

Off the Formula???

I have an 11-month old who is already past his stage 3 baby food and is onto eatng what we eat, (with some exceptions). He is almost completely off the bottle and onto the sippy cup but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to when I can take him off formula. He does not often get juice and when he does its diluted. He will give him a sippy cup with just water and he drinks it just like it were the formula. I do put a bottle of just water in his crib at night in case he wakes up and hes thirsty or if he wakes up before us (as...


Store Brand Formula

At 6 months I was done bf and started my dd full time on formula. We had...


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33 answers

3 Year Old Always Catching Colds

I have two girls one is 3 and the other is 1, they both stay at home with my mother. My 3 year old from a young age seems to catch a colds quick and often, while my other one seems to bounce right back quick. My mother along with my mother-in-law seem to think that she has a low immune system. I have already asked the doctor and she said that its common for kids to catch colds(she is not in preschool yet). The doctor also said that kids catch about 10 colds a year and last at least 2 weeks, I do worry because it seems like as soon as she is...


New to Formula

I am a SAHM of 3. My youngest is 7 months old. I have breastfed them all,...