Fitness: 24 Hour

Results 81-90 from 838 articles

Fees for Breaking Appointments

J.G. asks from Chicago

I had a dentist appointment this morning to replace old fillings with porcelain inlays. Expensive stuff. I woke up at 2am with my sinuses dripping, I'm coughing. I'm ...


Overfed Breastfed Baby????

D.B. asks from Los Angeles

Can you overfeed a breastfed baby? I know I baby's doctor said he was healthy but I wanted to get some mom's opinions too. I am strictly breastfeeding him. ...


Want to Know Your Bedtime for Your Kids

C.M. asks from St. Louis

I know that my 21 month old should be sleeping anywhere from 10-12 hours over a 24 hour period, which she often does (sometimes more). What I want to know is what tim...


What Is Wrong with Nursing a 14 Month Old????

R.S. asks from Chicago

I've been picking up vibes from others that it's time to be done with nursing my 14 month old. Mostly from familymembers who think that so long as I nurse, I won't ge...


Being Induced

N.F. asks from Seattle

I just found out that I will be induced next week around May 7th. Haven't got an actual date yet, but will know for sure by the end of this week. I was diagnosed ...


Breastfeeding and Stools

J.S. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is having a tough time nursing and she's on the bottom on the weight gain wagon so we've had to break from 100% nursing and add some supplemental formula....


Difficulty with Bottle Feeding

L.R. asks from Pocatello

I have a 5 week old infant who has gone through a number of formula changes over his short life, is on reflux meds and gas drops w/gripe water (all suggestions from m...


Upcoming 10 Day Trip to Utah

L.H. asks from San Antonio

Hi Everyone, We are about to take our first major trip with our 16 month old son to Utah. (Fortunately, we are flying so I don't have to worry about a 24 hour roa...


Baby Won't Let Anyone Else Feed Her

*.*. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Mamas! I've been away awhile. I had my daughter 9 weeks ago and it's been crazy busy! So, away with the pregnancy questions and complaints, and here I go wit...


Relationship with Parents?

J.W. asks from Houston

Ok I have a question related to the question raised by Momof3girls. In my case my parents were always nasty to my family, including my children. When I was growing ...