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Results 11-20 from 32 articles

Birthday Ideas for 5 Year Old Girl

H.O. asks from Lincoln

I would LOVE some help with birthday ideas for my almost 5 year old little girl. I've been asked for gift ideas and I'm really at a loss for ideas to give them. My...


Thngs for Kids to Do

S.L. asks from Scranton

okay i know this may sound like a really weird question but like i said previously i have a set of twin girls 2 different personalities and well when i am home with t...


Room Mother

C.N. asks from Salt Lake City

Hello everyone I am new to the site so bare with me. I am room mother this year for my son who is in the 1st grade and I need help on what to do. Such as games, the s...


Craft Suggestions?

L.B. asks from Detroit

I am looking for some indoor activities to do with my 16 month old so we have things to do as winter approaches. I've been trying to do some craft type things But h...


Anyone Else Sick of This Weather?? How Do I Entertain My Kids?!

R.D. asks from Richmond

WOW am i tired of this rainy/snowy/icy/BORING cold winter VA weather!! and so are my kiddos! we need SUNSHINE! i'm at my wits end trying to come up with fun, creative...


2 Year Old and Bath Time

M.R. asks from Atlanta

How do you make bath time fun again for a 2 year old who screams every time we bathe? He used to love bath time and decided one day that he didn't care about being cl...


Need Ideas for 3 Yr Old Girl B-day Party on a Tight Budget

L.I. asks from Dallas

My daughter is turning 3 on Jan 26. This will really be her first real birthday party with friends - she missed her birthday party last year because she was in the ho...


Feeling in a Rut

S.L. asks from Kansas City

In the nicer parts of the year I always feel great and get the kids out of the house for various activities. All around I just feel more creative and the kids and I ...


pre-K Curriculum Ideas/resources ETA

I.G. asks from Seattle

This is a question for all the homeschooling moms out there. I am not homeschooling, but I would like to make the time I spend with DD at home a bit more productive...


What are popular summer activities with kids

K.L. asks from Atlanta

I'm sure some of you have some great ideas for summer activities that are fun and inexpensive. We do not have a pool and are on water restrictions so our outdoor acti...